If your upcoming move is nearer by the day, and you are having a hard time figuring out where to start, how much time you will be needing, and what you’ll be needing for your entire relocation process – you’re in the right place. Having to pack everything you own is everything but an easy task, and having to organize the entire process is just another headache added to the list. You want your relocation to be completed as quickly as possible, and you want a smooth process that won’t take a lot of toll on your wellbeing. This is normal, and thankfully, completely possible. Our moving professionals at Modern Hacienda Heights Movers are providing you with a complete list of moving tips that will make the days before your move and the day of – much, much easier on you and your family.

- Find Movers
If you are planning a DIY relocation, you won’t need movers, only a rental truck, so make sure to gather the proper research on different rental companies and find the best deal on that. If you’re playing safe and hiring movers, it is vital to search for a professional moving company that is not only cheap, but has a reliable and verified reputation. Keep in mind that it might sound great to find the cheapest movers on the market, but you have to ask yourself why they are so cheap to begin with? These companies often aren’t licensed, insured or reliable and will not provide you with the service you deserve, or the service you are paying for. The potential damage or loss of your items could cost you much more in the long run, and your peace of mind is priceless. This is why you should always hire movers that are reputable.

- Throw, Donate, Sell
There are so many reasons people avoid getting rid of items they don’t use, as some items might have some emotional ties or sentimental value. No matter how many situations you may think of when you will be in need of that particular item you haven’t seen since you have last moved, trust us when we say that you won’t. Ever. Letting go of the items you don’t use, will lower the number of belongings you will have to pack, move and unpack at your destination. Make three piles; Throw, Donate, Sell, and make your life and relocation substantially easier by getting rid of every item you no longer have any use for.

- Visit your new home
Consider paying a visit to your new home and finishing everything around there before you move in. Painting your walls and cleaning your home will never be as easy as it is in this particular moment, with no heavy furniture in the way so you can do whatever your heart desires without the hassle. Gather your cleaning supplies and go to your new place, and prepare your home for your relocation. It will never be as easy as it is at this particular moment.

- Purchase Packing Supplies
Finding packing supplies online is a good option as you can always score some amazing deals, but visiting your local liquor store or grocery store are places where you can score free boxes that they don’t need anymore. While this is a great deal, keep in mind that your packing supplies should be in good condition, as having worn boxes can lead to them falling apart and the contents of your boxes damaged, broken, or just all over the place in the middle of your relocation. You can always choose to ask your movers for some packing supplies, but keep in mind that they might be pricier than finding new ones online.

- Give yourself time to pack
It can often be tricky to determine how much time you will be spending on the process of packing, and most of the time people tend to underestimate the number of items they have gathered over the years. An easy solution to this is to give yourself excessive amounts of time, and spending an hour or two packing each room individually, to ensure that you aren’t stressed about having to do everything in the span of a couple of days – and that you finish in time. If you work more efficiently when going against the clock, a week before your move is also a good time to start. Otherwise, give yourself at least two weeks for this process alone, and the bigger your move is, the more time you will need to complete the process.

- Emergency kit
Once you arrive at your new home, you will probably need some items that you use every day almost immediately. It’s quite individual what your essentials are, and what you’ll be reaching for the second you settle into your new home. Consider grabbing a clear box in which you will pack a change of clothes, a toothbrush, box cutter, coffee, medication, etc.

- Pack room by room
If you are wondering where to start once you’ve gathered your boxes, bubble wrap, and dish packs, the answer is – your least used rooms. Your attic, shed, or guest bedroom are great options to start in, as you probably won’t need these items before your move takes place. Proceed packing rooms based on their importance, and leave your most used rooms unpacked until the last week before your relocation. Make sure to leave out your moving essentials that we have previously mentioned, and pack them the night before your move.

- Place your boxes near the entrance
Placing your boxes in an area near your front door will substantially speed up your entire relocation process once your moving crew arrives, and this will also help them load the truck more efficiently without having to spend unnecessary time going into each room to grab a few boxes. This could also provide you with a more cost-effective move, as it will speed up the entire move resulting in a cheaper relocation.

- Ask for wardrobe boxes
Consider giving your professional moving company a call and ask them to bring some wardrobe boxes for easy, safe and efficient transport of your belongings to their new location. You won’t have to take out all of your clothes and place them into boxes before having to take them out at your new home – this takes a lot of time, which you probably rather wouldn’t want to be spending doing this. Oftentimes, moving companies will provide you with wardrobe boxes free of charge, so make sure to ask them about this option before your move.

- Labels, labels everywhere
If you don’t want to play the game “In which box did I pack the spoons?” with your family once you arrive at your new home, consider taking the extra step and labeling your boxes, the rooms they go to, and the contents. This will make for a much less chaotic unpacking process, and will help your movers move your boxes into your home as they will know exactly where each is supposed to go. Make sure to also label boxes with fragile contents, to make sure your movers know which boxes need more delicate handling than others.